Monday, 17 August 2009

Twitter's 'pointless babble'

(By Richard Holway 10.00pm Monday 17th Aug 09) The BBC reports - Twitter Tweets - on a survey by Pear Analytics which found that “40.5% of Twitter tweets could be classified as pointless babble, 37.5% as conversational and 8.7% as having pass-along value. Self promotion and spam stood at 5.85% and 3.75% respectively.”

Well I am a bit surprised. ‘Only’ 40% ‘pointless babble’ (such ‘I’ve just had lentils for dinner’)?Clearly I follow the wrong people as I’ve found the vast majority are in the category!

Even if you accept these findings, how can a service with >90% of its output catagorised as pretty useless hope to survive long-term?

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